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Featured and Premium Plans
Church Finder® connects millions of people with thousands of local churches. On average a Featured church will receive 10x more traffic and visitors. Starting at only $25/month, our Church Growth Plans are a simple way to reach more people in your city.
Church Growth PlansCityReach Sponsorships
NEW! Churches that want to reach even more people on-line can sponsor their City on Only certain cities are available for sponsorship at this time, and we are accepting only one church sponsor per city. By application and approval only.
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Attract more visitors with a GREAT Church Profile
Several of the Features above including the Photo Gallery and videos are only available for Featured and Premium churches. If you currently do not have a Church Growth Plan, upgrade your Church Profile and get...
- Ads removed, Photo Gallery and video = a better-looking Church Profile
- Featured at the top of city searches = more visibility and traffic