UPDATED - Church Reviews

Church Reviews

We have made a lot of improvements on ChurchFinder.com recently, and one important one were the improvements to Church Reviews.

Reviews also now link to the improved User Profile pages, so that members writing a review can also add their picture and share about themselves to make the reviews even more personal.  Since many people visit churches based upon word-of-mouth and recommendations, having good reviews on your Church Profile will definitely encourage those looking for a church in your city to visit yours.

Here are a few church reviews...




If you haven't already done so, invite your church members to write a review of your church!

A few ideas for pastors...

  • Send an email to your church members with a link to your ChurchFinder.com Church Profile, and ask members to write a review
  • Post on your church's Facebook page asking members to write a review
  • Mention it in your church bulletin with a link to your church profile!

Here is a good page on Church Finder to provide a link to...
