Meet The Pastor

Reverend Scott Rourk
Reverend Scott Rourk
Scott spent eighteen years engaging the postmodern culture while living out the gospel as a church planter missionary pastor. He has been a part of ten church plants: six churches in Belarus, a church in NYC and three churches in Toronto, Canada. He returned to Atlanta to continue sharing the gospel of the Kingdom by revitalizing & replanting churches in his home state. He is also currently pursuing his Doctorate of Ministry specializing in Church Revitalization at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Scott’s Kingdom work has been featured in secular and Christian media including two independent documentary films, the front page of the New York Times, New York Magazine, Christianity Today, The Christian Index, Baptist Press, church planting books, and newspapers across America. Scott is married to his wife, Kristen. They have 2 children, Megan and Ethan.
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