Review For Iglesia Del Dios Vivo La Luz Del Mundo

Esmeralda L.


Average: 5 (1 vote)
The Light Of The World Church Column and Pillar Of Truth, invites you to join us in daily prayers starting at 6pm every night. Christians taught through the principles of God through his Apostle Naason Joaquin Garcia. The church is Hispanic but through careful practice, the youth of the church is using their translating skills to accompany you during prayers and visits to make sure you fully receive and understand the countless blessings you receive. Church hours are 5am-5:30am monday-saturday; 9am-10am monday-saturday; 6pm-7pm mon, tues, wed, fri and saturday; 6pm-7:30pm thursday; and 10am-12pm, (service)5pm-7pm sunday
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