ChurchFinder News

The latest news and updates for pastors and Church Profile Managers, including improvements to Church Profiles and new features to help growing churches.  We are always improving to help you reach more people in your city!

Can you guess what the biggest traffic week of the year is on

Update for Pastors and Church Profile Managers

This month, we have finished placing ads on all Church Profiles that are Ad Supported.
2016 was a great year for Church Finder and all of our Featured and Premium churches, as we saw record numbers of people connected to churches throughout the United States! Here are a few highlights...


Many people are looking for a church to visit for Christmas, and many more start of the New Year re-committing themselves to finding a church. And the numbers prove this is true - our traffic on always spikes in December and January! Take just a few minutes to update your Church Profile will ensure that people can find your church.

It's Finally Here!

After months of hard work, we are excited to announce the new website launch!

Update for Pastors and Church Profile Managers

On November 1st we increased the price of Featured and Premium church plans. This was necessary to accommodate our growth and continue making the site completely free for millions of people looking for a church. The new pricing for the

Exciting improvements and changes!

The team here at ChurchFinder® has been hard at work launching the new site - making improvements to that will help your church reach even more people!

After our announcements last month about upcoming improvements to Church Profiles, Reviews and more, you may be wondering what it means for your Church Profile, and what you need to do.

Preview New Church Profiles
JUNE 2016 UPDATE: Preview of New Church Profiles Plus updates on traffic and an introduction to "Social Reviews"... Lee Raney here...founder of ChurchFinder®. Our entire team is hard at work this summerLee Raney - making improvements to that will help your church reach even more people! This month I wanted to give you a preview of these exciting upgrades that you will be seeing soon...