Meet The Pastor

Reverend Marcia Burns
Reverend Marcia Burns is the proud pastor of St. Andrew African Methodist Episcopal Church of Pine Bluff, Arkansas where she administers spiritual growth, Biblical studies, and the word of God. Rev. Burns accepted her calling to the ministry in January 2004 and was ordained Itinerant Elder in October 2008 with the 12th Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. She is a native of Helena, Arkansas and currently resides in Jacksonville, Arkansas. Rev. Burns has pastored St. Paul AME Church in El Dorado, Arkansas and Olive Light AME Church in Smackover, Arkansas. Rev. Burns has served as treasurer of the Conference Women in Ministry and. District Dean. She currently serves as Episcopal Coordinator of Conference secretaries, Conference secretary, and financial secretary of Women in Ministry. Rev. Burns holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix, and a Masters of Divinity Degree from Jackson Theological Seminary.