Review For New Song Church and Ministries
fawn L.
Still Here, Happy and Getting Blessed!
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Hello my Brother or Sister.
This me again, seven years after I first started attending New Song Christian Church (see previous review). I have been here now since 2012 and am so still blessed I am humbled. I am still changing from the inside out and the outside in. The Kingdom of God is amazing. Holy Spirit's wonderful Presence is in every service, still changing us, through His presence in extended worship that waits for the Presence of God.
There have been many healings and situational miracles, it puts us in Awe. Senior Pastor brings forth the Word in sensitive sincerity without watering down the Gospel message of the Cross . Along with Holy Spirit's direction, Pastor Loren uses his degrees in Music and Theology (M.Div) as a prolific writer of psalms and songs, and has written several books that have proven true as time goes on. He is also an international speaker, mentor to younger Christian leaders, and a wonderful, sensitive, intelligent Senior Pastor. I am so thankful that God has led me here. New Song's non-judgmental attitude of love made me soar in growth in self forgiveness. I am growing in love towards others which is what Jesus prayed to the Father for, and out of that comes love for myself (no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus).
The leadership includes Senior Pastor Loren, his wife, Senior Pastor Beth Sandford, Children's Ministry, Missions Ministers and Minister of Young People. Pastor Beth has a beautiful voice, a sensitive, prophetic spirit, a gentle welcoming love that just shines through her, and her gift of teaching where she deposits Spirit wisdom to our little ones and they grow in the Lord. I often say I wish I had a child to put in Pastor Beth's Children's School classes! Oh that I would be a fly on the wall . . . :)
If you are reading this now, I have a "hunch" that you need to be here. If you are new to the area and Holy Spirit has been dealing with you to Come and See and get back to church, come on in! This means YOU! He misses you in this way. He loves you so much. You need to be here and let Holy Spirit do the work in you. No man is an island, especially in the Lord. We need each other. We need you and your children if you have them, and you need to be here in body (and not just watching on line) to receive all that Holy Spirit has for you.
If you were transferred here to the Denver area and know it is time to get back into church that is "not religious but Holy-Spiritua"l, focusing on Jesus' work for us on the Cross. New Song's other ministries are listed on this website.
Alternatively, If you have been hurt by a Christian, come and get healed and start growing again. We do not judge you. We need each other. Jesus prayed for "us", His Bride, to be one in Him.
Remember, WE LOVE YOU ALREADY and have been praying for you to come.
We are located off I-25 and 84th on Pecos, about six blocks south of Waterworld. 8242 N Pecos St, Denver, CO 80221. Church starts at 10:00 am every Sunday, with other ministries throughout the week. Come and see, we are waiting for you!
There is more information on this site and New Song's Website
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