100 or less Members
Church Profile
Service Times
Sundays at 10:30; check website for possible change to 9:30 in summer schedule: www.crossroadsucc.org
(515) 961-9370

Rev. Julia Rendon
Our Mission
This congregation believes that we are called by God as a Christian community to gather people into community, build them in a relationship with God, and send them into ministry. We try to remain open to the challenges of the Christian faith. We welcome into this community of faith, and affirm the participation in church life, persons of every age, race, gender, nationality, ability, and sexual orientation. We value inclusiveness, and stand against all forms of discrimination. We work to empower ourselves, our children, and one another to care for the world, living in Christ's image and striving for peace and justice.
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About Crossroads United Church of Christ
We are a progressive, inclusive and adventurous congregation of people who think for themselves. No answers here, but companions on your journey. We meet in a room of Smith Chapel, Simpson College, near the corner of Buxton and Clinton Streets.
Denomination / Affiliation:
United Church of Christ
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Community Projects:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
All of our ministries are intergenerational.
We take dinner to the Catholic Worker House in Des Moines twice a month.
We do microlending through Kiva to small entrepreneurs both overseas and in the US.
We serve a free dinner on the last Thursday of every month in the county administration building.
We have a book discussion group every Sunday evening at a member's house. It's called Pie Group because pie.
We do one-time things together, like a picnic and walking the labyrinth in the Glendale Cemetery in Des Moines, or a game night at a member's house.
Our annual salsa competition raises money every August for the AIDS Project.
We babysit for parents who are Christmas shopping during Operation Christmas.
All women are invited to our monthly dinner and spirituality discussion.
The United Church of Christ is a non-creedal church. It is the responsibility of every member to work toward a coherent and informed faith.
The United Church of Christ embraces a theological heritage that affirms the Bible as the authoritative witness to the Word of God, the creeds of the ecumenical councils, and the confessions of the Reformation. The UCC has roots in the "covenantal" tradition—meaning there is no centralized authority or hierarchy that can impose any doctrine or form of worship on its members. Christ alone is Head of the church. We seek a balance between freedom of conscience and accountability to the apostolic faith. The UCC therefore receives the historic creeds and confessions of our ancestors as testimonies, but not tests of the faith.
Eternal Security:
No, Can't Lose
Healing and Charismatic Gifts:
Crossroads United Church of Christ is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 50125.
Church Profile Manager: Julia Rendon