Meet The Pastor

Senior Minister Randy Boltinghouse
Since July 1989, it’s been my privilege to serve as the lead minister at Windsor Road Christian Church. Currently my primary responsibilities are: primary teacher for weekend services; spiritual leadership and direction for elders, staff, and church family; oversight of doctrinal content and quality of teaching in the congregation; resource person for Elder Leadership Team; oversight of the church staff and all pastoral ministry processes (i.e. weddings, funerals, pastoral care, etc.). I earned B.A., M.A., and M.Min. degrees from Cincinnati Christian University, in Cincinnati, OH, majoring in Bible and practical ministries. I also earned a D.Min. degree with a preaching emphasis from Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL. While my wife and I were living in Ohio, we found out about the job opportunity at Windsor Road from a colleague. I was nearly finished with my seminary education and having served for nearly 7 years in an associate capacity, I began applying to churches with pulpit opportunities. We recall being so impressed with the biblical commitment and the grace orientation of the Windsor Road church family. Through a series of conversations and interviews, we were fortunate to have the congregation call us to serve. I believe my first day on the job was Wednesday, July 12, 1989. Our older son, Ben, was 7 months old. Wow, what a gift to my family to be able to here. You can email me anytime at