Church Profile
Service Times
Sunday School for all ages and Nursery - 9:15 -10:15 AM
Sunday Church Service - 10:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study - 7 PM
(812) 283-6136

Dr. Jerry Smart
Our Mission
We are convinced the Church is more than a social organization; it is the organic, living, life–changing culture–transforming extension of Jesus Christ. Our to–the–core commitment is to be Christ for our communities; to think what Jesus would think; to feel what Jesus would feel; and do what Jesus would do. We are motivated by strong convictions and values. We are convinced that Jesus is Supreme. He is worth our highest affection and insists on being Master of our entire life. Even though our current culture espouses a “many–paths–to–God” theology, we are absolutely convinced that the sacrificial death of Jesus is the only path to God. Visit our WEBsite for more information:
Rebeca Pedro LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 442 North 20th St., Columbus, OH. 43203 (EVICTION December12, 2021)
AGE: 42
DOB: 05/25/1979
HEIGHT: 5'9"-10"
Rebeca Pedro is a HUGE pathological liar-- when we met her March 2020, she said she was just 38...
Read more About First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church is a Baptist church in Jeffersonville Indiana. This Baptist church serves Clark County IN
Denomination / Affiliation:
Church Ministries
Sunday School
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Vacation Bible School
Kids Summer Camp
Visit our WEBsite for more detailed information:
Learn more about the Bible and Jesus in one of our Sunday School classes. Classes start at 9:15 Sunday morning and end at 10:15, before the Sunday Service. There is a class for everyone with excellent teachers, so join us on Sunday!
Adult Sunday School Classes:
> Agape – A great class for those who are new to Sunday School and for seasoned Christians. The Bible is explored for the faith’s deep truths.
> College & Career – A class for the young and old alike. The class looks at how to apply the Bible and biblical teaching to our everyday lives. This class provides a small, intimate setting for sharing and fellowship.
> Metanoia / Women’s Class – The women – young and old – explore a variety of Bible studies and topics. This is a class full of pray and love.
> The Salt – This popular class looks at the Bible (Old and New Testament) piece by piece and discovers the Word that creates the belief.
> Traditional – The David C. Cook curriculum is used to learn all about the Scriptures and God’s love for us.
> Young Adult (25-45) - Studying God's Word
Children’s Sunday School Classes:
> Nursery
> 2’s & 3’s
> 4’s & 5’s
> 1st – 3rd Grade
> 4th – 6th Grade
> Youth – Middle school through high school
Visit our WEBsite for more detailed information:
The MISSION COMMITTEE at First Baptist is called the Mission "GO" Team. We are guided by Acts 1:8 – "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
The definition of a FBC mission shall be any outreach ministry/activity that spreads the Gospel and positively touches the lives of people outside the four walls of our church – locally, regionally, and internationally.
The purpose of the Mission Committee is:
To be good stewards of God’s money by providing funding for existing mission work, new works, and Christ–led organizations.
To encourage and equip all church members to grow in mission awareness and become involved in FBC–led missions.
To support those who are "sent", set apart for the distinct task that is fulfilled beyond the boundaries of the church.
The Mission "GO" Team has the following mission trips planned:
The 2018 mission trip will be to Cap Haitien, Haiti. We will be working with our International Missionaries Nzunga and Kihomi.
Choices for Women Resource Center exists to demonstrate and share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ by providing practical help and loving support to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Center for Lay Ministries is to provide services to vulnerable populations in the local community with compassion, dignity and respect.
Pure is an initiative inspired by the result of so many young lives being shattered by broken relationships, broken hearts, broken bodies and crisis pregnancies. It is our desire and vision to transform our communities by creating a culture that embraces sexual integrity and respect for life in all relationships.
Mercy's Edge Ministries is a Christ-Centered Transitional Program with a focus on spiritual and character development.
MUSIC MINISTRY at First Baptist praises God in many musical ways.
> Adult Choir – Our Adult Choir sing anthems and hymns for the Sunday Service. No try–outs necessary! Just bring your voice and your love for the Lord. Practice is at 8:10 p.m. on Wednesdays. The Adult Choir also backs up our Praise and Worship group and celebrates Christmas with a cantata.
> Charming Chimers – Learn to play percussion–type instruments such as hand chimes, xylophones and hand bells. No experience necessary!
> Praise Band – Sunday worship starts with praise and worship music from our outstanding praise band, Testify! Contemporary songs mixed with popular classics fill the sanctuary and welcome the Holy Spirit. The band consists of seasoned musicians and singers. If you have the gift of music, join in, in singing God’s praises.
First Baptist of Jeffersonville is truly a family. We are rich in the relationships that matter most – rich in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, as well as in our relationships with each other as members in the body of Christ.
Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn and we reach out to our world with life–transforming truth.
Truth based on the Bible and centered on the gospel, the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
Truth that challenges us to be better followers of Christ and ambassadors of Heaven.
Our doors are open to you. Our hearts are open, too. If you’ve been thinking, praying, searching and hoping for a place to belong, we say welcome!
Visit our WEBsite for more information:
Primary Bible Version Used:
Multiple Versions Used
Communion Frequency:
Regularly Practice:
Altar Call or Invitation
First Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 47130.
Church Profile Manager: Jim Kanning