Meet The Pastor

Lead Pastor Philip Thomas
New Life Fellowship Church is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-generational, missions-oriented local church focused on loving God, loving people, and making disciples. Our regular meetings, teaching seminars, outreach, and ministries are organized in support of that mission. You can listen to the Sunday Sermons on various channels, including Spotify, Apple, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Google, or YouTube Podcasts. Events listed on the church website ( as "online" meetings are on Zoom. Those listed as "live streaming" are on YouTube. And those listed as "in person" meetings are held in the school gym/cafeteria or the church sanctuary at 4065 Poplar Tent Rd. in Concord, NC. Please contact us at for details of any meeting. We look forward to fellowshipping with you!
God bless!
Pastor Philip Thomas