101-500 Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
1520 S. Maine St
Fallon, NV 89406
United States
Service Times
Breakfast begins at 9am Service begins at 10:00am
(775) 423-2300
Pastor Bill Vaughn

Our Mission

We hold to the inspiration and authority of the Bible, the Trinity, the perfect deity and humanity of Christ, the sinfulness of man, the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ, the bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ, the imminent return of Christ, a literal heaven and hell, and that obedience (love) is the absolute evidence of a genuine believer. Oasis Community Church desires to produce mature, loving, prayerful, positive, expectant, equipped, doctrinally biblical, morally pure, evangelistic, reproducing disciples of Christ who will relationally share the gospel in love and in power with everyone in the Churchill County area, primarily through the one-on-one witness of Spirit-empowered believers. For more information call us at (775) 423-2300. Our Vision Our vision is to fulfill The Great Commission by being a spiritual oasis through which God's living waters can flow. The Great Commission, the Lord's mission for his church in Mt. 28:18-20, means we will: make disciples of all nations baptize them and teach them to obey all that Jesus taught. The living waters, which are symbolic of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39), means that: God desires holy, yielded conduits (Christians) through which the power, the presence, and the love of God can flow. It's the Spirit who produces the character of Jesus in Christians (i.e., the fruits of the Spirit), making them wells of living waters. It's the Spirit who gives gifts to believers so they can bear spiritual fruit in the church and in the world which will last forever. Christian Missionary Alliance We are part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, representing over 110 years of expressing the unchanging truth that authentic faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation for all that mankind is to be. The writings of A. W. Tozer reflect the desire of the Allaince for solid Bible teaching which leads to a meaningful and experiential relationship with God, which finally leads to fruitful ministry in the church and in the world. The Alliance is more than a gathering of people who follow Jesus. We are individuals whom God has empowered to do His work on earth. We are called to make a difference. We plant churches. We support and send out missionaries. We demonstrate and share the love of Jesus with people we meet every day. We are living out the call of God on our lives. We are ordinary people. Empowered by an extraordinary God. Multiplying communities of Christ. Throughout the world. Alliance Missions Philosophy The Alliance seeks to evangelize among people groups who have not yet received an understandable presentation of the gospel and among whom there is no indigenous church effectively evangelizing those peoples. We also desire to plant churches among peoples responsive to the gospel, regardless of their previous exposure to Christianity, with a view to equipping those churches to evangelize unreached peoples and to plant missionary churches among them. 880 workers currently serve worldwide with the Alliance. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth had been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20). This is why at least 5% of the general budget of Oasis goes to church planting efforts in the United States and another 5% goes to oversees missions, which is called the "Great Commission Fund." For more information on the Christian and Missionary Alliance go to

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About Oasis Community Church

Denomination / Affiliation: Christian and Missionary Alliance


Oasis Community Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 89406.

Church Profile Manager: Oasis Community Church