Meet The Pastor

Pastor Rick Krane
We believe that if people will return to God, trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, be led by the Holy Spirit and become His friend, they will experience a life that is abundant and exciting. The vision for our church is to help people here in the Nehalem Bay area know God and experience the good life that He has for us. We are not interested in the trappings of religion but in the enjoyment of God and the fellowship of those who follow Him. Jesus promised us abundant life (John 10:10). Isn't it about time we had that life? If you are wanting a new start, if you want to see lives that have been changed from being in the presence of God, then please join us. Our sign says, "Come as You Are!", and we mean that. Come and enjoy our God and the difference He can make in your life. We are located on US 101 a 1/4 mile north from the Shell Station.
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