100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
118 N 14th Street
Lebanon, PA 17046
United States
Service Times
(717) 383-5170
Lead Pastor Michael Clancy

Our Mission

Knowing Christ and making Him known

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About Freedom in Christ Fellowship

Our congregation was planted in September 2000 when Lebanon Christian Fellowship grew too large for their meeting space. Today we are asking God to grow our church and to send out evangelists into the streets of Lebanon to bring people to salvation in Christ. We work alongside other ministries to help those who are in the Christian discipleship program transition into church life. In 2000 our lead pastor Michael Clancy was a heroin addict on the streets of Philadelphia who spent three years in prison. After leaving prison, he completed the Jubilee Ministries discipleship program. He has been a member of our congregation since 2004 and served in various leadership positions in the church. Michael's call to pastoral ministry was affirmed by the congregation and he was installed on October 7th 2012
Denomination / Affiliation: Mennonite
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: 20-30
Community Projects: 0-12


Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
We are people of Christ's peace as we welcome people from all backgrounds and walks of life into our church family. We attract a transient population that includes veterans, people with mental health challenges, and people who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.


We believe There is only one true God. Eternal, uncreated ,all-powerful ,all- knowing & all-present God exist in three distinct persons, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. God is Trinitarian and Holy, Perfect without sin, divine in nature. He is good in all He purposes. He is Love, Bestowing grace and mercy to undeserving mankind. God the Father sent His Son to creation demonstrating His Love and personal attention to His Creation. God the Son sent God the Holy Spirit to continue the work of revealing salvation, helping and comforting His people, (mankind.) God created the world, sustains His creation and will one redeem His creation back to holiness We believe Adam brought sin into creation by standing idle while Eve was tempted in the garden, refusing the command of God sin entered the world and by sin came death. After the fall all of creation was marred and defiled from the womb. There is none that can possibly do good. God in His goodness set His Holy and righteous standards in the law. The law is placed in our hearts to bear witness with our conscience to know what is right and wrong. By His law we know sin and by sin we all face eternal death in Hell. We believe in the saving grace of God the Father sending His Son, Jesus born of a virgin into the world to ultimately die in our place, appeasing the Father to justly turn His wrath against us toward His Son. We believe in the resurrection, that on the third day Jesus rose from the dead fulfilling scriptures and freeing all who believe from the powers of death through the blood atonement of Jesus and the His resurrected power. We believe that Jesus ascended into heaven and sent God the Holy Spirit to testify of Jesus. We believe the Holy Bible is God’s last revelation to us and is inerrant, We believe His Word is completely sufficient in revealing His nature for all that He purposed us to know We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. In response to this grace we act out of love for God by obedient to His Word We believe that church is designed by God to be an expression of His body to his creation in all the world. We believe baptism to being able to make ones own confessions of faith.


Freedom in Christ Fellowship is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 17046.

Church Profile Manager: Michael Clancy