100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
22646 Benswood Road
California, MD 20634
United States
Service Times
10 AM each Sunday and 5 PM the second Sunday of each month.
(240) 431-9916
Pastor Edd Cathey

Our Mission

We exist to worship God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit according to the Bible. We exist to make followers of Jesus Christ who know Him and desire to live and serve in the world. We exist to provide a thoroughly biblical and traditional alternative in the area of worship and teaching in our southern Maryland communities.

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About Grace & Peace Presbyterian

We welcome everyone who desires to know God and follow him in the fellowship of his people. We are a congregation that above all loves and worships God,The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We identify with the earliest church in many of its creeds and practices while holding to the teachings of those who sought to reform the church from the 16th and 17th centuries to the present day. The Bible is our standard for belief and practice and is the basis for our teaching and preaching. We have several music ministries and engage in mission trips of various kinds. We enjoy eating and visiting together on a regular basis. The best way to find out about us is to contact the pastor, or just come to worship. Come as you are, all are welcome. A nursery is provided for small children and an area is reserved for families whose children are not quite ready to attend the service in the main seating area.
Denomination / Affiliation: Presbyterian
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 0-12


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Groups and Public Services
Counseling Services
Weddings and Receptions
We have a vibrant young adult fellowship which includes single and married persons.
The pastor is happy to serve our wider community with counseling, weddings and funerals as time permits.


We are Christians who believe the biblical faith expressed in the early councils and creeds of the first few centuries. We hold to the Reformed faith generally known as Calvinism as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. The following is a brief statement by our pastor: The Way and Place of God’s Salvation God who created everything ‐ is a community of three Divine Persons who have always existed as one God in perfect love and harmony. The Bible reveals this one God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created humans who are like himself in every way possible for created beings to be like him. He did this so that humans as his image bearers could rule the creation in perfect fellowship with him. In the place called Eden, God was in perfect constant fellowship with humans and humans were in perfect fellowship with each other reflecting the harmony of the persons of God. Humans were wise caretakers and stewards of the creation. Through the instigation of the Satan, a corrupt creature who had revolted against God, the first humans revolted against God and ruined the perfect fellowship with God. This revolt immediately effected and greatly damaged all human relationships. This damage extends to all relationships; from psychological disintegration to interpersonal relations as well as societal and international conflicts and the abuse of creation. Immediately after man’s revolt, God promised to restore communion with humans through a human redeemer who would come in history. The Bible tells how God chose the people of Israel as the vessel of his promise concerning his Savior for the whole world. He gave Israel ordinances and rituals through his servant Moses, pointing forward to the fulfillment of his promise. The Israelites were chosen to be the first society to reflect the promised future restoration. God also made a way to be near the Israelites through Tent and later Temple, through sacred rituals including the sacrifice of animals as a sign of his just wrath against man’s revolt. The Bible unfolds the promise of how God’s salvation would come through an individual Israelite and how Jesus fulfilled the promise. Israel was the place and human source of God’s salvation. In the fullness of time God the Son‐ Jesus the redeemer‐ was sent by the Father and willingly gave himself as a sacrifice, dying in unimaginable loneliness and suffering on a cross to satisfy God’s wrath against man’s revolt ‐ thereby reconciling all humans who are united to him by faith. God the Father raised Jesus from death on the third day after his crucifixion demonstrating complete satisfaction with Jesus’sacrifice and complete reconciliation with all who are united to him. This reconciliation results in a new family/society/kingdom called the Church, the Body of Christ. Jesus commanded the leaders of his church to baptize individuals and members of their households into the visible Church by the ritual application of water in the name of God ‐ The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All who are united to Christ in baptism constitute the visible Body of Christ, the Church in the present tense ‐ and are called to a life of turning from sin and unbelief ‐ to faith in Christ, obedience and reconciliation to God and in human relationships. All who are outside God’s church are outside the ordinary place of God’s salvation. All who continue outside the church will not to be reconciled to God and will end in Hell, a place of punishment and eternal separation from God and human relationship, a place of unimaginable loneliness and suffering which they have chosen. God the Father, through the Son, sent the Holy Spirit to indwell the Church and cause it to grow until it pervades the world in fulfillment of God’s plan to restore communion with himself and all human relationships. This restoration extends also to wise care for and stewardship of the creation. The Lord’s Supper was ordained by Jesus Christ as the central ritual expressing and confirming the restoration of all relationships. The church is the new Israel – the Body of Christ and the vessel and place of God’s salvation. What must you do to be saved? If you would be restored to union and communion with God, you must accept the truth ‐ that every attempt to make life and relationship with God apart from his way in Jesus Christ are continued revolt. You must believe the good news of God’s complete and only provision for reconciliation to himself through the gift of righteousness in Jesus Christ. Believing this good news you must obey the command of God by being baptized into Christ’s body ‐ the Church, or if previously baptized, you must now answer God’s call to a life of faith and obedience‐beginning with a commitment to a life of worship in the church. The church is God’s appointed vessel and place of God’s salvation.
Baptism: Both
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Ceased
We agree with these Doctrinal Statements: Apostles Creed Nicene Creed


Grace & Peace Presbyterian is a Reformed Church located in Zip Code 20634.

Church Profile Manager: Edd Cathey
Baptism is the New Testament sign of outward membership in God's covenant/church
Baptism is the New Testament sign of outward membership in God's covenant/church
weddings are a public declaration of faithful love and union
weddings are a public declaration of faithful love and union
fellowship events are numerous
fellowship events are numerous
young adults meet nearly every month for food and fellowship as well as retreats
young adults meet nearly every month for food and fellowship as well as retreats
Our dialogical worship engages all our senses and leads us toward the unfathomable beauty of God's glory,
Our dialogical worship engages all our senses and leads us toward the unfathomable beauty of God's glory,
Our focus is on the Word and Sacraments as Christ commanded.
Our focus is on the Word and Sacraments as Christ commanded.
Jesus loves the little children...and we do too
Jesus loves the little children...and we do too