101-500 Members
1 User Review

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Meeting at South Haven High School
600 Elkenburg St.
South Haven, MI 49090
United States
Service Times
We gather at 9:01 and 11:01 on Sunday mornings. Please visit to confirm our meeting location for a given week.
(269) 872-3464
Pastor Milan Bittenbender

Our Mission

We exist to extend the hope of a rich and satisfying life in Jesus Christ to every person we encounter.



About LifeBridge Church

We are a gathering of imperfect but sincere people who are experiencing what it means to find life in Jesus Christ. You are invited to join us on Sundays for a worship experience that is passionate, inspiring and real. We don't pretend to have it all figured out. We're all on a journey of discovery and figure it's just more fun to discover life in Christ together. We turn the judgment meters off so you can walk in knowing we are just glad you are there. We don't care where you've been or what you've done. Come as you are - no need to dress up, fake up or keep up. Our hope is simply that you will have a genuine encounter with the living God. LifeBridge launched in September of 2012, so we still don't have a building, but that doesn't keep us from worshiping God and experiencing His presence. As a matter of fact maybe it helps us keep our focus where it should be. If you are looking for something fresh and exciting, you will definitely want to check out LifeBridge. If you are thinking about visiting, I do encourage you to visit our website at as we sometimes change location.
Denomination / Affiliation: Wesleyan
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages


Church Ministries
Small Groups
Recovery Group
Groups and Public Services
Christian Bookstore
The Living Room Cafe serves as a comfortable, life-giving gathering space during the week. Drop in for some coffee, check out our books for sale, or simply hang out with a friend or use our free internet. You can find The Living Room at 520 Phoenix St. in downtown South Haven.


You can find a summary of our beliefs at
Healing and Charismatic Gifts: Open But Cautious


LifeBridge Church is a Christian Church located in Zip Code 49090.

Church Profile Manager: Milan Bittenbender