100 or less Members

Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
10484 Johnson Rd
(Corner of Johnson & Smoketree)
Phelan, CA 92371
United States
Service Times
Sunday: Adult Sunday School.... 8:45 AM Worship Service.........................10:00 AM Spanish Bible Study...................12:30 PM Spanish Service........................... 2:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday: Bible Study & Prayer.. 6:30 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HDBC Physical Address : 10484 Johnson Rd Mailing Address: PO Box 290249 Phelan, CA 92329-0249 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ website:
(760) 868-5084
Pastor Mike Lemons

Our Mission

High Desert Baptist Church has a deep desire to change the world through the changed lives of its members. We have a three fold purpose: 1. Evangelism: We desire to share the life changing, life enriching message of Jesus Christ. We believe that everyone can have a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus, and that this relationship is the key to abundant life. 2. Expression: It is our desire to provide an environment in which everyone can worship God and express their love for Him as well as receive His love. 3. Edification: We believe the Christian life is an adventure that involves personal spiritual growth. We endeavor to equip those associated with our church with the mental and spiritual tools necessary for the abundant Christian life.

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About High Desert Baptist Church

WELCOME ! High Desert Baptist Church is a small, but growing church that has a deep desire to change the world through the changed lives of its members. We hope you will have an opportunity to meet our friendly people. Whether this is your first time with us, or you have worshiped here many times, we want you to know that you are always welcome. HDBC is "A Church on Mission" Pastor Mike Lemons Church: (760) 868-5084 Cell: (760) 617-6991
Denomination / Affiliation: Southern Baptist Convention
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages


Church Ministries
(Affiliated with) Rose of Sharon Pregnancy Resource Center 14725 7th Street #600, Victorville, CA 92395-4028 Email: 760-243-5006 (see for more info) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HDBC Medical Equipment Ministry (Walkers,Wheel Chairs, Commodes, etc). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The 2000 Baptist Faith & Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (see for full text with scripture references):
Baptism: Older Children/adults
Eternal Security: No, Can't Lose


High Desert Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 92371.

Church Profile Manager: David Felt