
Church Profile

Meeting Location
Join us this weekend!
600 Patetown Rd
Goldsboro, NC 27530
United States
Service Times
Sunday School - 10 - 10:45 am Morning Worship - 11:00 - 12:00 am
(919) 734-5220
Senior Pastor Ronnie Weaver

Our Mission

The B -I- B- L- E : Believe that Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ - Inspire others to choose the Christian path - Build a Fellowship in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ - Live our lives according to God - Exalt God Through Our Ministry

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About Northview Baptist Church

If you are looking for a friendly church of Bible believing folks, please join us at Northview. The service is a blend of Traditional and Contemporary music. Our pastor is Ronnie Weaver, who is a spirit filled Christian that preaches from the Bible.
Denomination / Affiliation: Southern Baptist Convention
Dress Style: casual
Average Age of Attendees: all-ages
Community Projects: 0-12


Church Ministries
Sunday School
Interpreter for the hearing impaired.


Northview's purpose as revealed in the New Testament, is to involve people in fellowship, to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and help all grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ with the common goal of building the Kingdom of God. At Northview we believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God. Our vision at Northview Baptist Church is to provide encouragement and to help those who have a need. One of the strongest Christian endeavors of Northview is the unselfish giving and sharing with others. Some of the programs and offerings supported are, The United Church Ministries with food and supporting the Walk for the Hunger, Battered Women's shelter, annual Blanket Drive, Baptist Children's Home, The Annie Armstrong Missionary Easter Fund, and we support local and foreign missionaries.
Baptism: Older Children/adults


Northview Baptist Church is a Baptist Church located in Zip Code 27530.

Church Profile Manager: Theresa Glisson