Meet The Pastor

Preacher Jake Jacobson and John Mark Davidson
John Mark Davidson: John Mark grew up in Thailand as part of a missionary family, before ever having spent much time in the U.S. After attending Texas A&M for his undergraduate work and ACU for his Master of Divinity, John Mark and his family moved to Peru to engage in mission work there. They have just moved back to the States after having spent 8 years in Lima and Piura. Here at Skillman, John Mark views his role as Family Minister as a mission to reach out to parents and children with the gospel. John Mark, his wife Tara, and their four children (Kellen, Parker, Kase, and Mack) joined the Skillman family in November of 2016. Jake Jacobson: Jake grew up as a member of the church, and was fortunate to be surrounded by a family for whom faith was of great importance. Jake felt the call to enter into ministry early in his life, seeking to find ways to do for others what mentors and ministers had done for him all his life. He entered ACU seeking to learn about ministry and eventually enter into full time ministry. At Skillman, Jake works as the Associate Minister, working with young adults, senior adults, preparing and teaching Bible classes, and preaching for the church. Jake met his wife, Rebekah, in high school, where they began dating. Dating through their years together at ACU, they were married in 2013. Together, they enjoy reading, going to Dallas Stars games, and spending time with their only “child” (a dog named Bruce Wayne).